Employer Branding - more important than ever if you want to succeed with your job advertisement

David Flygar, Sofia Holmberg

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About the webinar
In this webinar, we have invited our strategic partner LinkedIn to talk about the current skills shortage, the recruitment challenges and also current trends within the industry.


Date and time:

October 6, 2022 12:00




The labor market has gone through a tough transformation in a short time and many employers are now beginning to see the consequences of this. What is required to attract talents today and how should organizations proceed to ensure the talent skills needed for the future?

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The speakers

David Flygar has been with Keeparo since the beginning and with over 12 years of experience within the industry he is an expert on employer branding and recruitment. David works with global customers to create the best employer brands there is and to make it easy for our customers to find their right talents.

Sofia Holmberg is our Partner Manager at LinkedIn and she has great knowledge about the transformation within the industry and will also contribute with interesting insights from their platform.