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Major investment in billion-dollar industry to solve the urgent skills crisis: "Businesses will be facing significant challenges"

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The skills shortage in the labor market is growing, and business leaders are worried about the future of their operations. To address the crisis, Swedish Keeparo and Finnish Duunitori Group are now joining forces to help more companies with employer branding and talent acquisition. "We see enormous potential. The growing skills crisis will require significant investments from employers moving forward," says Lisa Hasselström, CEO of Keeparo.

Despite Sweden being in a recession, many companies are searching for talent. And it is a real challenge. Figures from the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise show that eight out of ten business leaders find it difficult to find the right skills, thereby hindering continued growth. Additionally, factors such as an aging population, the need for foreign labor, and new generations entering the labor market with different expectations and higher demands on employers are affecting the situation.

– The biggest growth obstacle now and in the future for businesses is the skills shortage. Companies that want to scale up simply cannot recruit sufficiently good talent, which will hit the Swedish labor market hard in the coming years, says Lisa Hasselström, CEO of Keeparo.

Considering the escalating crisis, Swedish Keeparo is now being acquired by the Finnish job giant Duunitori Group, which is behind the rapidly growing job search engine Jobbland. Keeparo works with data-driven and automated solutions in their leading work within employer branding and was the first agency in Sweden to offer recruitment marketing via social media. With platforms for both B2C and B2B, as well as unique data and insights, the two companies together gain a strong position in an industry already worth billions.

– The market is undergoing a dramatic transformation where it will become very expensive and challenging to attract and keep the right talent. We are already seeing this in some specific industries, but it is a problem with significant consequences for employers regardless of the sector. Talent acquisition is and will become even more business-critical, and we can support employers with effective solutions based on traffic from our platforms, says Anita Rae, CEO of Jobbland Sweden.

Examples of particularly vulnerable industries already include the energy sector, IT, transport, technology, and healthcare. In the coming years, more industries are expected to be severely affected, which will impact both individual companies and the country's overall growth.

More About the Acquisition

The deal between Duunitori Group and Keeparo was completed on May 22, 2024. In 2023, the two companies together had a turnover of approximately 300 million SEK. The recruitment industry in Sweden alone has a turnover of about 5 billion SEK. Together, Duunitori Group and Keeparo will become the leading player in the Nordics, with the goal of doubling their turnover in the coming years. All companies and employees within the Duunitori Group will continue to operate under the same corporate structures as before.

About Keeparo

Keeparo is Sweden's leading comprehensive provider of employer branding, helping organizations create, shape, and communicate their employer offerings. Keeparo was founded in 2010 and was the first player on the market to work with recruitment marketing via social and digital media. Today, they work data-driven and offer automated solutions to successfully help organizations and companies attract and keep talent. Keeparo currently has just over 40 employees.

About Duunitori Group

Duunitori Group is the leading recruitment marketing agency in Finland and Sweden. Duunitori was founded in 2009, and in 2019, Duunitori expanded to Sweden and established the job search site Jobbland.se, which now has approximately 700,000 visits per month. The tech company uses data from its platforms to provide employers with the most effective opportunities to reach the best talents. In 2022, the venture capital firm Intera Partners became the majority owner to accelerate Duunitori Group’s internationalization. In 2023, Duunitori also started operations in Norway by acquiring the local Jobbsafari.

For more information, please contact:

Angelica Larsson, Press Contact, angelica.larsson@fuzepr.se, +46 70-58 039 31.

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